Inter-Community School Zurich, Volketswil , 2010–2014, 1st prize
The Inter-Community School Zurich was founded in 1960 and offers international education in English for children and young people between the ages of three and eighteen. As an extension of the existing premises in Zumikon, a second school complex is to be built in Volketswil. According to the client’s requests, the design has to be as flexible as possible to allow for possible adaptations to future requirements. Our concept is oriented towards the human scale and creates a diverse and inspiring environment with different spatial sequences in six individual buildings. We pay attention to a balanced emphasis of indoor and outdoor areas: in addition to being a place of arrivals, the courtyards are also dedicated to games and sports. With their varied characters, they allow very different uses and combine the surrounding buildings and classrooms into a single unit. Teachers and students will be able to identify with both single buildings and individual places.